HAT Grand Dinner with #OneLastTime

By Kirah - September 21, 2016

To be honest, I had abandoned this blog for more than a year. I was so busy pursuing my dream and catching up with lot of events in my life. Even though, everyone knows it is only an excuse. Looking back to my last post, there were five or six destinations I traveled. They were amazing. I couldn't find a leisure time to sit down writing my journeys and what I experienced. I was arguing with myself either I should or not to continue to write. After a decent thought, I am now sitting with mix emotions while translating my mind into words. For readers information, I have graduated from university in Bachelor (Hons) Information Communication Technology. For now, I am an active job seeker.

Before I complete my journey in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS in May 2016, my classmates were organizing a dinner gathering for us. The official hashtag was #OneLastTime for our symbolic event tagging. I was one of the organizer to represent my squad. Many problem raised at the beginning. After all, the dinner was a success execution. The night was the last night we were gathered at the same room. A lot of activities were included to cheer up the audiences. Delicious food were mandatory. My friends and I prepared a last minute performance. Yet we enjoyed the show. I will never forget the memories.

I still remember my lovely friend's happy face. We shared a room for eight people. We dressed up like a prom. Not to forget, the theme was Azure Blue!

Group photos

Runaway photos

Mine is special. Got 2 photos here.








Random photos

Prior to that, it was Farahin's belated birthday. We planned to surprise her with a small celebration in the room after the dinner. However, she told us that she already sensing the prank idea. So she ignored it to make our plan run smoothly. She was quick witted girl.

I hope, if one of my friends has the opportunity to get through this post, she/he could reminisced the memory on that night. Smiles.

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