Anggun's short and simple reunion

By Kirah - March 14, 2018

Everyone must be wondering what Anggun stands for? Is that a person or what it symbolizes? Anggun is actually a name that we came out for a chat group which include 7 of us (my sweetest best friends). Recently, we decided to attend one of college friend wedding reception in Penang. We realized as time goes by we need excuses or reasons in order to have a platform to meet up and gather for catching up with our life. Honestly, our recent trip was great and a memorable one. We managed to meet other friends too.

We rented an apartment near the event venue for a day and stayed for a night. It was pleasant and comfortable for six of us. Okay, forgot to mention, Una was not joining us at the same apartment because she was staying with other friends. But she never let this opportunity wasted. I had no idea when did Nadiah and Atikah planned for this stay-cation. I was abroad for at least 2 weeks (I will share with you my recent visit in South Korea soon, please pray for my lazy ass to write up about this). But thank god and thanks to them, they had sorted out our accommodation and free and easy itinerary for this one. So I had leisure mind and just followed the flow. 

Hana was coming to KL all the way from Melaka while me and Ira met her after work (we work at same building fyi). Then Nadiah fetched us up to her house. We had dinner before departing to Kedah. Farahin was flying from Sarawak-KL-Penang and will arrive later at morning. We decided to sleep over at Nadiah's grandma and continue our journey to Penang the next day. 

Atikah picked up Farahin and we finally meet up at AEON shopping mall at Gurney. Can you imagine how was our reaction to each other that time? It was havoc, definitely! No doubt. I bet Una must be regretted for not be with us. We then bought a gift set for bride and groom. We then went to a lot of food stalls, restaurant to eat again and again, countless. Our stomach was practically bloated and still we need to save space for tonight's wedding and tomorrow. 

We checked in at the apartment and get ready for tonight's reception. Like usual, I need to prepare for them and myself. Once we arrived at the venue, the couple was already on aisle. They looked great together. We got to meet other friends and reminiscing the time when we were still in college. 

That night we went for karaoke-ing along with Una and went back at least at 2am. The next day, we went to Transfer road and a place called "Kayu" to eat again. We got separated for our own way at 4pm and bit farewell to each other. We promised to make another comeback soon and make sure it will be our annual routine/ritual, at least until we grow old (cringe).

Here are the photos that I keep.

Until we meet again, soon!

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